Monday, May 7, 2012

Photo 3- Food

For this assignment I had chosen the task to take photos of foods. I thought this was a very interesting assignment, as it offered a new perspective of foods that was really cool. I had gone around the kitchen trying to find food objects and position them in a fashion that would be fit for what type of food it was.

ISO 100
1/100 sec

From this assignment I learned alot. I learned how to offer a different view on foods as well as get more familiar with my cameras settings. Food is a great thing to take pictures of as they always offer some type of new texture that you are able to capture with the proper lens and light.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photo 2 Macro

For this assignment I chose to take pictures with my camera on the macro setting. Rather then taking pictures of flowers I grabbed the box of 30-06 ammunition and set them up in a way that they looked really cool. I used the counter top to give a reflection and thought it looked really cool. The camera that I was using had a special Macro lens as well to give the crisp look to the unclose photo. 
Iso 200
1/30 sec

From this assignment I learned a lot. I learned how to use the macro setting on my camera as well as get a use out of the special macro lens that I have. I really enjoy taking pictures with the macro setting because it can offer such a different perspective to the photo that otherwise would be lost in a full shot picture.